Новое обновление сейчас доступно для Episodes from Liberty City и Grand Theft Auto IV через службу Games for
Windows LIVE.
Episodes From Liberty City
- fixed a bug causing tree leaves to look transparent
- fixed a bug that prevented uploading of rendered videos to
Social Club when attaching music tracks from The Ballad of Gay Tony
- fixed for clip capture "OFF" slowdowns occurring when near
water's edge
- fixed for slowdown occurring when getting in a boat during "Sexy
Time" mission in The Ballad of Gay Tony
- exposed "detonate" in custom key mapping options menu for Lost
and Damned so users can remap "down" arrow key
- EFLC now has it's own settings file called "SETTINGS_EFLC.CFG"
to avoid possible conflicts with GTA IV installation
Категория: GTA 4 |
Просмотров: 3332 |
Добавил: gta-now |
Дата: 29.05.10